Taco Stacker was one of my first projects when I joined Yesler in 2014. I was part of a team of three; we all shared writing, directing, and editing responsibilities. This ongoing, episodic series of vine videos was done for Microsoft, and each video was accompanied with a blog based on the idea of Small Business Startups (#StartupLife).
Each episode is small but mighty, showing the ability to tell a great story in a limited amount of time, with limited resources.
- Co-director
- Storytelling
- Copywriting
- Storyboards
- Video production
- Editing
- Project management

ep. 01

ep. 02

ep. 03

ep. 04

ep. 05

ep. 06

ep. 07

ep. 08

ep. 09

ep. 10

ep. 11

ep. 12

ep. 13

ep. 14

ep. 15

ep. 16

ep. 17

ep. 18

ep. 19

ep. 20

ep. 21

ep. 22

ep. 23

ep. 24

ep. 25

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